U.S. Demographics and Health Risks

Correlations Discovered Between Health Risks and Age, Income

The D3 enabled interactive visualization above allows you to click through multiple demographic and health risks variables. Click through each variable combination to see how they relate with each other with respect to U.S. states. Hover over each state circle to reveal a specific state's data.

These are some interesting insights:

  • Obesity has a negative correlation with Household Income and a positive correlation with poverty.
  • The age demographic is within the middle age range (30 to 45).
  • Like obesity, smoking has a negative correlation with Household Income and a positive correlation with In Poverty. Utah has the lowest smoking rate.
  • There is a negative correlation between Lacks Healthcare and Household Income and a positive correlation between Lacks Healthcare and In Poverty. Southern states show a tendency to have the highest poverty rate. They are also showing the highest percentage of healthcare lacking, with Texas as an outlier.